CVL746: Public Transportation Systems

- Lecture 0: Course logistics
- Lecture 1: Needs and expectations from public transportation
- Lecture 2: Evolution and classification of public transportation
- Lecture 3: Transit oriented development
- Lecture 4: Transit data
- Lecture 5: Transit capacity and quality of service
- Lecture 6. Transit demand
- Lecture 7*. Basics of traffic assignment
- Lecture 8. Random incidence and transit wait time
- Lecture 9. Frequency-based transit assignment
- Lecture 10. Transit route choice (taught by Prof. Lokesh)
- Lecture 11. Overview of transit planning
- Lecture 12. Stop location
- Lecture 13. Transit network design and frequency setting
- Lecture 14. Timetable development
- Lecture 15. Vehicle Scheduling
- Lecture 16. Crew Scheduling (runcutting)
- Lecture 17. Fare Pricing
- Lecture 18. Transit electrification (taught by Prof. Nezamuddin)