- Transit automated data (AFC, APC, AVL) mining
- Transit route choice
- Transit assignmnet
- Transit network design
- Transit scheduling
- Transit reliability
- Railway planning
- Auto rickshaw planning

About Me
Hello!, I'm an assistant professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at IIT Delhi. I got my Ph.D.in Civil Engineering from the University of Minnesota at Twin Cities, where I was advised by Alireza Khani.
In general, I'm interested in researching public transit and its integration with emerging technologies. Specifically, I'm interested in problems associated to
- Transit service operations, planning and control
- Emerging public transit technologies and business models
- Transit electrification
- Ridesharing
- Autonomous vehicles
- Drones
- Park-and-ride
The methodologies that find applications in my research are large-scale data analytics, optimization, uncertainty modeling, and mechanism design. If you'd like to chat about any of the above topics, please email me at pkk[AT]iitd.ac.in.
Join my research group: I am seeking highly motivated Ph.D. and M.S.(R) students. If you are interested, please check here if you will be a good fit.
B. Tech. Project: If you are a IIT Delhi B. Tech. student interested in working on their major project with me, please check here if you will be a good fit.
Internship opportunities: If you are not a student at IIT Delhi and are interested in a summer internship position, the only formal way is to apply for the Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship Programme at IIT Delhi. Otherwise, it is not feasible for me to offer you an internship. Sorry for not replying to your emails.